Wisconsin Pest Bulletin, May 2, 2019

Krista Hamilton, Entomologist, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

Issue No. 01 of the Wisconsin Pest Bulletin is now available at:


  • LOOKING AHEAD: Black cutworm migration underway since April 12
  • FORAGES & GRAINS: Alfalfa weevil adults resuming activity
  • CORN: True armyworm captures reported from Janesville monitoring site
  • SOYBEAN: Soybean aphid egg winter mortality expected for parts of WI
  • FRUITS: Eastern tent caterpillar egg hatch beginning statewide
  • VEGETABLES: Cool, wet spring conditions favor seedcorn maggot problems
  • NURSERY & FOREST: Tobacco mosaic virus diagnosed on ‘Indian Summer’ petunia
  • DEGREE DAYS: Growing degree day accumulations as of May 1, 2019

This post originates at the Wisconsin Pest Bulletin website.