2019 Pest Management Update Meeting Series Announced for November

infected corn leaf

The schedule for the 2019 Wisconsin Pest Management Update meeting series has been set. Presentations will include agronomic pest management information for Wisconsin field and forage crops. Speakers include Mark Renz and Rodrigo Werle, weed scientists, Damon Smith, plant pathologist, and Bryan Jensen, entomologist.

The format will be the same as in recent years. Meetings will either be in the morning or afternoon on November 4-8, 2019. Simply choose a day/location to attend with each meeting running 3 hours. Note that several locations and contacts have changed since 2018 (marked with * in the meeting flier). Please read the informational flier carefully and make sure you contact the appropriate person at your desired location.

2019 Pest Management Update Highlights:

  • Integrated Pest Management Updates in corn, soybeans, alfalfa, and small grains
  • Update on new products and/or use of existing products as well as brief highlights of the 2019 pest situations in each crop.

Please make your reservation with the host contact at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting date.

Three hours of Certified Crop Advisor CEU credits in pest management are requested for each session.

To download a PDF of the flier, CLICK HERE.