Christelle Guedot, Fruit Crop Entomology and Extension Specialist, Wisconsin-Madison Fruit Program
Apple maturity levels are still running 6-8 days later than normal due to cool, wet weather at the Peninsular Agricultural Research Station. However, this week’s five-days straight of sunny days and cool nights will go a long way in fully maturing most varieties.
This week the Atucha Lab did an analysis of the grape varieties sent from the Peninsular Agriculture Research Station.
All grape cultivars at WMARS have been harvested. See the Brix, TA and pH levels in the Grape Variety Fruit Maturation Evaluation.
Grape Scouting Report: Social wasps are still here.
Overall caseload at the UW Insect Diagnostic Lab has begun to decrease for the year, including reports of fruit crop insects.
Bitter rot was found in samples analyzed by UW-Madison/Extension Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic.