Help with survey of herbicide adoption plans in soybean

Dr. Shawn Conley and team ( recently released the 2019 yield data from their soybean variety trials conducted across the state of Wisconsin and concluded that no yield differences were observed across herbicide tolerance traits within nor across regions (Enlist E3, RR2 Xtend and LLGT27; see figure below).

The team would like to invite Wisconsin soybean producers and decision influencers to help us better understand herbicide tolerance trait and POST-emergence herbicide adoption in 2019 and their plans for 2020. This information will be of great value to the educational efforts during this Extension season and research efforts during 2020 and beyond. The survey has 30 questions and should take less than 10 minutes of your time. To start the online survey, please click HERE.

Full link to survey:

Blog post link:

Please help us get the word out and obtain as many answers as possible! The survey results will be presented during the 2020 Wisconsin Agribusiness Classic and 2020 Corn-Soy Expo, and will also become available in our blog (

Thanks for your time and support! Rodrigo Werle & Shawn Conley, UW-Madison