Wisconsin Cover Crop Conference, Feb 20, Stevens Point

Daniel H. Smith, Nutrient and Pest Management Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The 2020 Wisconsin Cover Crop Conference will take place on February 20 (8 am – 4 pm) at the Holiday Inn in Stevens Point. This will be a statewide conference geared toward helping Wisconsin farmers use cover crops more effectively.  Many of the presenters will be Wisconsin grain and livestock farmers speaking from experience about what has worked and hasn’t worked in their Wisconsin cropping systems.

Rick Clark, a fifth-generation farmer from Williamsport, Indiana will be the keynote for the event and share how he transformed his 7,000 acre farm into a regenerative system. An Advanced Soil Health session titled “Ice, Water, & Wind- Exploring Soil Diversity in Wisconsin” will feature Holly Dolliver from UW-River Falls the evening prior to the conference (required addition registration fee).

A full agenda and registration information is available: https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/covercrop/