2 Research reports posted: Soybean Sulfur Fertilization & Industrial Hemp Grain

Soybean Sulfur Fertilization

Shawn P. Conley, WI Soybean and Wheat Extension Specialist

Many soybean growers are interested in the use of additional sulfur (S) to increase yields and profitability. However, with low profit margins, the effect of additional sulfur containing fertilizers on soybean yield and economic return is important to understand. In 2019, we began to evaluate some common sources of sulfur to help us identify environmental and soil factors where yield response to applied sulfur is most likely to occur.

Click to view information and results from on our: Seven-State Soybean Sulfur Fertilization Trials

Industrial Hemp Grain Production

Brian D. Luck, Jessica L. Drewry, Kevin J. Shinners, and Joshua C. Friede

Lessons learned from growing and harvesting industrial hemp during the 2019 growing season are as follows.

  • The crop grew well in southern Wisconsin.
  • Narrower row spacing improved yield and helped with weed suppression.
  • The ANKA variety had highly variable crop height which made harvest challenging.
  • The combine can be set to harvest the industrial hemp grain and produce a clean product.
  • The combine harvester guidelines from Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance are a good starting point but will likely need modifications to account for individual field conditions.
  • Harvesting at a higher moisture content will prevent losses and shatter but immediate (within 2 hours of harvest) drying will be required to eliminate spoilage. Fiber wrapping can also be increased when harvesting at a higher moisture content.

Recommendations for Industrial Hemp Grain Harvest