Soybean replant decisions based on research

Shawn P. Conley, Soybean and Wheat Extension Specialist, Department of Agronomy, University of Wisconsin

Early planted soybean are starting to crack across the Midwest. Here are some recommendations for Soybean Replant Decisions: Just the Facts Jack!

Get an accurate stand assessment, not just measuring the worst parts of a field. Count field population traditionally or try an app. Bean Cam the WSMB funded soybean replant app! This app has a calculator to help if you want to manually count plants in a length of row, and it has an automatic method that lets you use the smartphone camera.

Use the count. The downside yield risk for a sub-par stand is minimal until stands fall below 50,000 plants per acre. You may be better off investing $$$ in an effective in-season residual herbicide to control weeds such as Palmer and waterhemp.

Read the full Conley article, with research references, here >>>