Wisconsin Pest Bulletin, May 14, 2020

Krista Hamilton, Entomologist, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

Volume 65 Issue No. 3 of the Wisconsin Pest Bulletin is now available at: (9 pages)


This Week’s Weather & Pests

Record-breaking cold weather with multiple widespread freezes threatened Wisconsin crops during the week. Below-normal temperatures prevailed and a hard freeze extended across the entire state May 8-11 as overnight lows plummeted to the 20s from Kenosha to Superior. The subzero temperatures damaged some seedling corn, fruit trees, garden plants and cold-sensitive ornamentals, although the slow rate of plant development and emergence this spring helped mitigate the potentially disastrous impact of the cold snap.

Brisk conditions persisted through mid-week before milder weather returned, allowing fieldwork to resume at the fastest pace in over five years. After a period of rapid planting in late April and earlier this month, more than 59% of this year’s intended corn acres have been sown, 47 percentage points or 24 days ahead of last year and 20 points or one week ahead of the long-term average.
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