Wisconsin Pest Bulletin, June 18

Krista Hamilton, Entomologist, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

Volume 65 Issue No. 8 of the Wisconsin Pest Bulletin is now available at:


This Week’s Weather & Pests

Dry, sunny weather prevailed for much of the week, improving opportunities for fieldwork following last week?s heavy rain. Alfalfa harvesting, orchard pest control and herbicide applications continued, while spring planting neared completion throughout Wisconsin. The planting pace of soybeans has been particularly rapid this season. Progress was six days ahead of the 5-year average and 22 days ahead of last year at the start of the week, with 96% of intended soybean acres sown.

Abundant June heat and moisture have benefited plant development statewide and summer crop prospects are generally very favorable. The most advanced corn has reached the eight-leaf (V8) growth stage and soybeans should enter the beginning bloom stage by early July. Overall, 82% of the corn crop is rated in good to excellent condition, down four percentage points from last week, but 28 points higher than the same time last year.

Follow the link above to view the complete bulletin.

The Wisconsin Pest Bulletin (WPB) is produced by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP), Division of Agricultural Resource Management, Bureau of Plant Industry