Wisconsin Pest Bulletin, July 23

Tracy Schilder, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

Volume 65 Issue No. 12 of the Wisconsin Pest Bulletin is now available at:


This Week’s Weather & Pests

Mostly dry weather with seasonal temperatures and low- er humidity maintained favorable conditions for summer crop development in Wisconsin. Temperatures were near normal for late July, with highs in the 70s and 80s and lows ranging from the upper 40s to upper 60s. Aside from early-week storms, calm, comfortable conditions prevail- ed across the state. The partly sunny, drier weather facil- itated harvesting of third-crop alfalfa and winter wheat, reported as 9% complete, or eight days ahead of last year and equal to the 5-year average, at the start of the week. Corn and soybean development also continued to outpace last year’s rates and long-term averages, with corn silking progress advancing 24 points during the we- ek to 34% complete, and 32% of soybeans setting pods.

The latest USDA NASS report ranks 80-94% of alfalfa, corn, oats, potatoes, soybeans, and wheat in good to excellent condition, far better than last year’s ratings of 49-74%. Soil moisture levels have improved and are gen- erally adequate or surplus after the recent storms, but portions of the southeast and west-central regions have become dry and could benefit from timely rain.

Follow the link above to view the complete bulletin.

The Wisconsin Pest Bulletin (WPB) is produced by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP), Division of Agricultural Resource Management, Bureau of Plant Industry