Vegetable Crop Updates Newsletter 20

Amanda Gevens, Associate Professor & Extension Specialist, Potato & Vegetable Pathology, Plant Pathology Department

In this issue I address potato/tomato late blight, potato early blight, and cucurbit downy mildew.

No new findings of late blight in commercial potatoes after the initial Aug 10 detection. Tight fungicide application intervals (~5 day) are advised to maintain management. There was a suspected case of basil downy mildew that passed through the UW Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic this past week. Aug 8-10 were especially promotive to late blight, and other ‘water mold’ diseases including downy mildew, and Phytophthora crown and fruit rot. It’s important to be watchful in crops affected by these devastating diseases.

Wisconsin Vegetable Crop Update blog site where you’ll find updates throughout the year.