The 2020 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum will be a virtual event December 7‐11, 2020.
The USWBSI’s mission is: to enhance food safety and supply by reducing the impact of Fusarium Head Blight on wheat and barley. It does so by funding critical research by state university and USDA‐ARS scientists, and by communicating results to the entire wheat and barley community.
Certified Crop Advisor CEUs (2 credits in the Integrated Pest Management Category) are available during the Fusarium Head Blight Management Session on December 9, 2020 2:00 – 4:00 ET.
The session will feature four speakers:
- Dr. Erdal Ozkan, Ohio State University
Title: Influence of Application Equipment on Deposition of Fungicides in Wheat Canopy - Dr. Pierce Paul, Ohio State University
Title: Fungicide and Integrated Management of Head Scab and Vomitoxin in Wheat with Emphasis on Miravis Ace - Dr. Andrew Friskop, North Dakota State University
Title: A seven year review of fungicide and integrated management trials in spring barley - Dr. Gary Bergstrom, Cornell University
Title: Local malting barley for Northeast craft beverage markets: What’s FHB got to do with it?
If you are interested in learning about the exciting research supported by the U.S. Wheat & Barley Scab Initiative we suggest registering for this free session at the following link:
For more information about USWBSI see