2021 Virtual Nutrient Management Training for Farmers

The Nutrient and Pest Management Program (University of Wisconsin-Madison) is offering a virtual training for farmers interested in writing their own nutrient management plans. This training will provide both the basics of nutrient management and an introduction to SnapPlus.

The same training will be offered on 5 different dates:

  • January 5 (Tue)
  • January 7 (Thu)
  • February 3 (Wed)
  • February 16 (Tue)
  • March 1 (Mon)

Please register online at least three days in advance of the training date you plan to attend:



10:00-10:15 Why nutrient management?
10:15-10:30 Soil sampling
10:30-10:45 Soil test interpretation
10:45-11:00 Soil pH and liming
11:00-11:15 15 minute break
11:15-11:35 Manure and legume crediting
11:35-12:15 Nitrogen management
12:15-1:00 45 minute lunch break


1:00-1:30 Phosphorus management
1:30-1:45 Potassium management
1:45-2:00 Manure application precautions
2:00-2:15 15 minute break
2:15-2:30 Soil conservation (T, PI, SCI)
2:30-3:00 SnapPlus introduction

Need additional help with your SnapPlus plan?

Online Q&A dates:

  • Tuesday, January 19
  • Thursday, January 21
  • Wednesday, February 17
  • Monday, March 2

These dates and more SnapPlus help information will be sent out to all attendees.

View or download a 1 page flyer here.

[wpfilebase tag=file path=’misc/2021NMFE.pdf’ /]

Questions? Contact Dan Smith dhsmith@wisc.edu 608-219-5170