Focus on Forage is a FREE, 7-part webinar series highlighting research-based information and farmer strategies to optimize forage yield, quality, and profitability in Wisconsin. The series will run Jan 13-March 3 on Wednesdays at 12:30 to 1:30 pm.
Webinar speakers will include former World Forage Superbowl farmer winners, forage industry experts, Extension Educators, and Nutrient and Pest Management Outreach Specialists.
Pre-registration is required by 5 pm the day before the webinar. A Zoom link will be emailed to registrants. 1 CCA CEU is available for each webinar.
- January 13- Managing for High Quality Corn Silage
- January 20- Strategies for Achieving Alfalfa Production Goals
- January 27- Optimizing Production of Grass and Mixed Grass Forages
- February 3- Using Small Grains to Fill a Forage Niche
- February 10- Alternative Forage Strategies When Alfalfa Fails, Tom Kilcer of Advanced Ag System
- February 24- To be announced
- March 3- To be announced