Crop Protection Network webinars on managing soybean diseases

Several Crop Protection Network (CPN) webinars are scheduled for this spring. Some of the best minds in agriculture will talk about ways to keep soybeans healthy.

Carl Bradley, University of Kentucky extension professor of plant pathology; and Trey Price LSU AgCenter associate professor of plant pathology will give talks in March and April.

“These webinars are coming out at a great time for crop consultants and farmers to get this information,” said Kiersten Wise, University of Kentucky plant pathology professor and co-director of CPN. “People all over North America will get a chance to hear from experts on the latest research on managing soybean diseases.”

These free webinars are scheduled for 2 p.m. Eastern and 1 p.m. Central time. CPN will host the webinars through the Southern Region IPM Center. Pre-registration for each webinar is required.

On March 16 Price will provide information about an important new soybean disease, called soybean taproot decline. Register for this talk at the following link:

On April 6 Bradley will present his webinar titled Resistance is Futile: The Latest on Fungicide Resistance in Soybean Pathogens. Register for this talk at the following link:

These webinars are made possible by U.S. soybean farmers funded through the soy checkoff. Certified Crop Advisor continuing education credits will be available for each webinar.

“We’ve been planning this for a while and we’re really excited to see it come together,” said Daren Mueller, extension plant pathologist at Iowa State University and co-director of CPN. “I know I’ll be tuned in.”

CPN is a multi-state and international partnership of university and provincial Extension specialists, and public and private professionals that provides unbiased, research-based information. CPN’s goal is to communicate relevant information to farmers and agricultural personnel to help with decisions related to protecting field crops.