Joe Lauer, Corn Agronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Grain corn is rapidly being harvested across Wisconsin. Many farmers are reporting good yields at relatively dry grain moisture.
Preliminary grain yields of hybrids in the UW Corn Performance Trials averaged 224 bu/A at 22.3% moisture (Table 1). The highest yielding location was Fond du Lac at 260 bu/A. Good yields were reported at most sites in northeastern Wisconsin. Test weight ranged from 53 to 57 lb/bu. Little lodging was observed, although plant stalk quality is an issue. Hopefully high winds will continue to stay away through the rest of harvest. Tar spot was a significant disease at locations in the southern zone.
Table 1. Preliminary Grain Yields for the 2021 UW Corn Hybrid Evaluation Trials.
Final results will be available in November. Watch for the 2021 results at http://corn.agronomy.wisc.edu/HT/Default.aspx.