Damon Smith, Field Crops Pathology Extension Specialist, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
For 2021, the Pest Management Update Meetings will be a hybrid event with (3) in-person meetings and (1) virtual option, hosted by the UW-Madison, Division of Extension and UW-Madison Nutrient and Pest Management Program (NPM). All in-person meetings will be held from 1- 4pm local time at the venue listed for each location below. Check in will begin at 12:30pm with light refreshments available during the event.
This year’s speakers include: Mark Renz, Perennial Cropping Systems Extension Weed Specialist; Rodrigo Werle, Annual Cropping Systems Extension Weed Specialist; Nick Arneson, Weed Science Outreach Specialist; PJ Liesch Extension Entomology Diagnostician; and Damon Smith, Extension Field Crops Pathologist. Topics will include updates in the area of weed, insect and disease management. A panel discussion and Q&A regarding the pest management challenges related to planting soybeans early will follow.
The cost for the in-person events will be $50 per person and include a packet with materials including a hardcopy of A3646 Pest Management in Wisconsin Field Crops. This year ONLY, all in-person attendants will also receive a free copy of A Farmer’s Guide to Wheat Diseases, which is a $30 value. UW COVID safety protocols will be followed during the event.
The cost for the virtual event will be $20 per person with pre-registration required. The virtual registration will include links to PDFs of materials and a PDF version of the A3646 publication.
Below and in the attached flier are the dates, locations, and times for each event. Be sure to contact and register ONLY at the location you plan to attend. For the virtual option, links will be sent closer to the event.
SOUTHERN WITuesday November 16
1pm-4pm |
Ames Road Multi-Purpose Building 11974 Ames Rd, Darlington, WI 53530Josh Kamps, UW-Madison, Division of Extension
Dan Smith, UW-Madison NPM Program Register with Sara Schilling 608-776-4820 or |
NORTHWEST WIWednesday November 17
1pm-4pm |
Avalon Hotel and Conference Center1009 W Park Ave.
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 Jerry Clark, UW-Madison, Division of Extension Kolby Grint, UW-Madison NPM Program Register with Jerry Clark 715-726-7955 or |
NORTHEAST WIThursday November 18
1pm-4pm |
Liberty Hall Banquet/ Conference Center800 Eisenhower Dr, Kimberly, WI 54136
Kevin Jarek, UW-Madison, Division of Extension Jamie Patton, UW-Madison NPM Program Register with Kevin Jarek kevin.jarek@wisc.edu or ina.montgomery@outagamie.org (920)-832-4763 |
VIRTUALFriday November 19
9am-noon |
Kimberly Schmidt, UW-Madison, Division of Extension Dan Marzu, UW-Madison NPM ProgramRegister at https://patstore.wisc.edu/secure/browse_cat.asp?category_id=39 |