Daniel H. Smith, Nutrient and Pest Management Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2022 Wisconsin Cover Crop Conference
February 24 (8am-4pm)
Central Wisconsin Expo Center, Rothschild, WI.
This will be a statewide conference geared toward helping Wisconsin farmers, agronomists, and conservation professionals use cover crops more effectively. Many of the presenters will be Wisconsin grain and livestock farmers speaking from experience on the successes and challenges of adopting cover crops in Wisconsin cropping systems.
Dr. Abby Wick, North Dakota State University Extension Soil Health Specialist and Associate Professor will be the keynote for the event and share information on soil health in northern climates. A pre-conference social and educational event will kick off the conference at 4pm on February 23rd (additional registration fee).
A full agenda and registration information will be available: https://cropsandsoils.extension.wisc.edu/events/wisconsin-cover-crops-conference/