Call to participate and compare soybean systems with AI on your farm

Shawn Conley, State Soybean and Small Grains Specialist

Goal: To compare yield and profitability of your current soybean cropping systems with AI recommended systems on your farm.

Identification of optimum cropping systems at the field level is the ultimate objective of farmers. This research can evaluate the effectiveness of emerging AI-based tools that guide farmer’s decisions and ultimately affect their overall income. An AI tool was created using machine learning and large databases and has the potential to identify thousands of possible cropping systems a farmer can choose for a single field and then optimizing a cropping system for the greatest yield or for greatest profitability. The tool estimates yield by accounting for field location, soil type, weather conditions and several management practices.


  • Information about your typical soybean management and changes you are able to do to that system
  • Fill out the attached form and return to us prior to the planting season
  • Plant soybean in three management systems similar to plot layout shown below
  • Harvest the plot using a well calibrated yield monitor
  • Provide the data and management information to us


  • Calculate two management systems for your specific field: One for high yield and one for high profit
  • Analysis of the data from your farm
  • Protect the confidentiality of your yield data
  • $500 honorarium for your efforts

Participation form: Click on the link below.

2022 Research Protocol for Artificial Intelligence Derived Management Recommendations for Soybean