Double Crop Soybeans in WI May be A Gamble Worth Taking in 2022

Shawn P Conley, State Soybean and Small Grain Specialist, John Gaska, Extension Outreach Specialist

The Wisconsin winter wheat crop progress is tracking at a normal pace. If this continues, we can realistically be cutting dry wheat in southern WI by mid-July. Couple that with Nov. CBOT soybean contracts at $13.55 (7/07/22), and though still risky, we can start to pencil out a potential profit for WI growers to double crop soybeans in 2022.

  • What can be done to expedite wheat harvest?
  • Consider the realistic yield potential of soybean planted in July for WI
  • There is little-to-no data about the need for seed treatments in a WI double crop soybean system
  • The two major environmental events to consider with double crop soybean are establishment and frost.

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