Joe Lauer, Corn Agronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The middle of July marks the halfway point of the corn life cycle. Pollination is upon us and the ultimate yield and quality potential of the 2022 corn crop will be determined. A lot can happen yet but we are entering the pollination period in good shape across most of Wisconsin.
The key management decision over the next few weeks will be to gauge the success of pollination. If pollination is poor, then harvest can occur anytime. If pollination is fair, then leave for silage harvest. If pollination is good, then normal management of the field can occur for either silage or grain uses.
Read the full article >>> Yield and quality changes of corn silage during challenging first-half environments.
Further reading:
Broeske, M., and J. Lauer. 2020. Visual Guide to Corn Development. University of Wisconsin Extension. Nutrient and Pest Management Program, 72 pages.
Methods for Determining Corn Pollination Success
Drought areas? Check out this pollination video from a few years ago >>>