Wisconsin Vegetable Crop Updates

Amanda Gevens, Professor & Extension Specialist, Plant Pathology Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison

A Newsletter for Commercial Potato and Vegetable Growers Prepared by the University of Wisconsin Madison Vegetable Research and Extension Specialists

UW-Madison Division of Extension Vegetable Crop Update 15

Aug 3, 2022

  • potato production and research updates
  • disease risk forecast information and management
  • potato late blight update (none detected in recent weeks in US)
  • cucurbit downy mildew update
  • cucurbit powdery mildew update

UW-Madison Division of Extension Vegetable Crop Update 14

  • disease alert so that growers may be most proactive in preventatively managing this potentially destructive disease in cucumbers here in Wisconsin

UW-Madison Division of Extension Vegetable Crop Update 13

July 17, 2022

  • disease modelling updates and management for potato
  • cucurbit downy mildew updates


Wisconsin Vegetable Crop Update blog site where you’ll find updates throughout the year.