Wisconsin Vegetable Crop Updates

Amanda Gevens, Professor & Extension Specialist, Plant Pathology Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison

A Newsletter for Commercial Potato and Vegetable Growers Prepared by the University of Wisconsin Madison Vegetable Research and Extension Specialists

UW-Madison Division of Extension Vegetable Crop Update 23

Sept 19, 2022

  • Announcement on WI Agribusiness Classic Conference (Jan 11-12, 2023)
  • Potato Disease Risk Updates
  • Cucurbit Downy Mildew Updates

UW-Madison Division of Extension Vegetable Crop Update 22

  • potato early blight and late blight risk
    (no reports of late blight in WI so far this year in tomato or potato)
  • cucurbit downy mildew
  • onion downy mildew and stemphylium
  • cucurbit anthracnose

UW-Madison Division of Extension Vegetable Crop Update 21

  • metabolic herbicide resistance
  • potato disease risk and management recommendations for early blight and late blight
  • cucurbit downy mildew
  • tar spot of sweet corn

Wisconsin Vegetable Crop Update blog site where you’ll find updates throughout the year.