Wisconsin Pest Bulletin

The Wisconsin Pest Bulletin from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection provides pest population estimates, pest distribution and development data, pest survey and inspection results, alerts to new pest finds in the …

Alfalfa Weevils Already?

Alfalfa Weevils Already? Bryan Jensen, IPM Program What a spring!  I don’t recall thinking about alfalfa weevils this early.  Take a look at UW Extension’s Ag Weather Site, http://www.soils.wisc.edu/uwex_agwx/ (click on Thermal Models).  Southern Wisconsin …

Corn Earworm Alert for Processing Sweet Corn

Corn Earworm Alert for Processing Sweet Corn Eileen Cullen, Extension Entomologist The Wisconsin DATCP Wisconsin Pest Bulletin’s Corn Earworm pheromone trap network has registered a significnat and accelerating August corn earworm (CEW) migration flight. As reported …