Bryan Jensen UW Extension The Wisconsin CCA Board is now accepting nominations for the 2016 Wisconsin CCA of the Year Award. This award is designed to recognize a CCA who is highly innovative, delivers exceptional …
Content from Bryan Jensen
Soybean Aphids
Bryan Jensen UW Extension I have been getting a few phone calls regarding increasing soybean aphid populations. Nothing extreme but some fields have been slightly over or under thresholds. Treatment decisions at this time of …
Soybean Insects (and mites): Looking ahead
Bryan Jensen UW Extension Soybean Aphid: The most common question I’ve had lately is “Where are the soybean aphids?” What started out being a good year for several species of aphids has certainly done an …
Corn Rootworm Beetles and Potential for Silk Clipping
Bryan Jensen, UW Extension In Wisconsin, corn rootworm beetles have started emerging. Fields out of sequence (early or late pollinating) with surrounding corn fields may be prone to silk clipping. Corn pollen and fresh silks are …
Potato leafhoppers
Bryan Jensen, UW Extension Potato leafhoppers populations, to date, have been relatively low. Cool, wet weather has certainly not been conducive but warmer, drier weather could change that in a hurry. So far, I have not …
Corn rootworm: How to validate your management decision
Mid to late July in Wisconsin is the time you can validate your corn rootworm management decisions by checking for root damage. This is the time period just after feeding damage would have occurred, and …
Japanese Beetles, Info for Corn and Soybean Producers
Bryan Jensen, UW Extension Recently, I have been noticing an increase in adult Japanese beetle activity on garden and other ornamentals. What does this mean for corn and soybean production? It is too early to tell …
Clover Root Curculio
Dan Undersander, Damon Smith, Bryan Jensen UW Extension Clover root curculio damage is being observed is several parts of Wisconsin this year. It is an occasional insect pest on alfalfa, clovers and other legumes. Damage can be serious …
Armyworm Heads Up
Bryan Jensen UW Extension It is about that time that we could be seeing problems from the summer generation of true armyworms. I bring this up because of the elevated number of corn fields which …
Corn Rootworms
Bryan Jensen UW Extension The summer is going fast. July is here, rootworm larvae are feeding and adults will soon start emerging if they haven’t already. July is a great time to gain field information …