Mark Renz Extension Weed Specialist; University of Wisconsin-Madison & Extension Thistles are all up and actively growing. While we have a variety of thistles, typically pastures have one of 5 common weedy thistles in Wisconsin. …
Content from Mark Renz
2015 Weed emergence “on target” in Wisconsin
Mark Renz Extension Weed Scientist, Agronomy Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison Knowledge of weed emergence is very important as it help in the selection and optimization of early season weed control. While typically weed emergence is …
2014 UW Extension Pest Management Update Meeting Series
Mark Renz, Extension Weed Specialist Mark your calendars as the UW Extension’s Pest Management Update meetings are just around the corner (November 10-20). While the program will still provide detailed updates to pest management in …
Big weeds found at the Farm Technology Days event in Portage County
Mark Renz, Extension Weed Scientist Despite the cool summer we had plenty of weeds at the Weed Experts booth this past week. Of the many samples brought in for identification eight participants submitted nine weeds …
Biggest Weed Contest at the Weed Doctor’s Booth at FTD
Mark Renz, UW-Madison Extension Weed Scientist What does a cold winter, a wet spring, and a moderate summer produce? A bumper crop of big weeds! Yes once again weed scientists with University of Wisconsin Extension …
Bur and Wild Cucumber; Two Native Vines Common in Wisconsin
Mark Renz, Extension Weed Specialist, UW-Madison Now is the time of year when we start to notice vines climbing trees, crops, and even structures. While Wisconsin has over 50 plants categorizes as vines, bur (Sicyos …
White tipped/bleached Canada thistle, a good thing
Mark Renz, University of Wisconsin Extension Weed Specialist Wet springs, bring good and bad things from a weed perspective. First the bad: we often see much more Canada thistle in our pastures, row crops, and …
Arlington Weed Garden Open for 2014
Mark Renz, Extension Weed Scientist Although summer hasn’t officially started, the weed garden is open and ready for business at the Arlington Ag. Research Station. Thanks to a generous donation by the Wisconsin Certified Crop …
Pest Management Mobile, a Resource for Insect Management in Agronomic Crops
Eileen Cullen and Mark Renz, Extension Specialists; University of Wisconsin Extension Pest Management Mobile provides access to a range of pest management information found in a3646 (Pest Management in Wisconsin Field Crops) through a mobile …
Little leaf buttercup, a bitter weed in spring hayfields
Mark Renz, Extension Weed Scientist, and Kevin Shelley, UW NPM Program Buttercups, have been showing up this spring in pastures and hayfields in southern Wisconsin. While Wisconsin has 18 species of buttercup, little leaf buttercup (Ranunculus arbotivus) is the …