Pest Management Update Meetings


November 16th (Tuesday), 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. (Registration closed)
November 19th (Friday), 9:00 am to noon. (Registration closed)

Weed Science Resources

PRE-emergence Herbicide Selection for Early Planted Soybeans (Blog Post)

Application Window for Soybean Herbicides with Soil Residual Activity (PDF)

2021 WiscWeeds Herbicide Comparison for Residual Weed Control in Soybean on Sandy Soils (PDF)

2021 WiscWeeds Herbicide Comparison for Residual Weed Control in Corn (PDF)

Weed management advice for 2022 (YouTube Video)

Evaluating efficacy of preemergence soybean herbicides using field treated soil in greenhouse bioassays (PDF)

Large scale evaluation of 2,4-D choline off-target movement and injury in 2,4-D susceptible soybean (PDF)

Weed Seed Movement Via Combines (PDF)

Handouts for Renz slides available here:

Link to this factsheet on interseeding (

Link the 2021 weed id factsheets an in the table at this link

Plant Disease Resources

An overview of Fusarium head blight:

Fungicides are more than a plant disease management tool:

New fungi discovered causing Phomopsis seed decay of soybean:

An overview of soybean cyst nematode:

Fungicide Use in field crops:

Impact of foliar fungicide timing and fungicide class on corn yield response in the United States and Ontario, Canada:

Improved screening method for genetic resistance to white mold in soybean:

Tar spot of corn:

Fungicide Efficacy Tables

Fungicide efficacy for the control of wheat diseases:

Fungicide efficacy for control of soybean seedling diseases:

Fungicide Efficacy for the control of soybean foliar diseases:

Fungicide efficacy for the control of corn diseases:


Entomology Resources

Handouts for entomology slides available here:

Handy BT Trait Table

Corn Rootworm Root Rating Card

Field Scouting for Corn Rootworm

IPM Decision Aid: Managing corn rootworm Bt Resistance

Managing Corn Insect When Growing Non-Bt Hybrids

To Bt or not to Bt?

All subject videos:

Research update: Fungicide Timing for Tar Spot:

White mold of soybean and its management:

Soybean variety and breeding trials, resistance to white mold:

Research update: Soybean variety and the Sporecaster app:

Weed management advice for 2022

Waterhemp Management